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OECD, Ministerial Declaration on the Protection of Privacy on Global Networks (DSTI/ICCP/REG(98)10/Final) (Oct. 1998) (full-text).


The Declaration recognized that

the technology-neutral principles of the 1980 OECD Privacy Guidelines continue to represent international consensus and guidance concerning the collection and handling of personal data in any medium, and provide a foundation for privacy protection on global networks.

Ministers reaffirmed "their commitment to the protection of privacy on global networks in order to ensure the respect of important rights, build confidence in global networks, and to prevent unnecessary restrictions on transborder flows of personal data." They agreed to take the necessary steps to ensure, by various specified measures, the effective implementation of the OECD Privacy Guidelines on global networks. They charged the OECD with examining specific issues raised by, and with providing practical guidance to member countries on, the implementation of the Guidelines online.

Ministers also agreed to review progress made in achieving the objectives of their Declaration within a period of two years, and to assess the need for further action to ensure the protection of personal data on global networks in pursuit of these objectives.
