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Federal Aviation Administration, Integration of Civil Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS) Roadmap (2013) (full-text).


This Roadmap describes the Federal Aviation Administration's three-phased approach — Accommodation, Integration, and Evolution — to facilitate incremental steps toward its goal of seamlessly integrating UAS flight in the national airspace. Under this approach, the FAA's initial focus will be on safely allowing for the expanded operation of UASs by selectively accommodating some UAS use. In the integration phase, the FAA plans to shift its emphasis toward integrating more UAS use once technology can support safe operations. Finally, in the evolution phase, the FAA plans to focus on revising its regulations, policy, and standards based on the evolving needs of the airspace.

The Roadmap was to be updated annually and the second edition of the Roadmap was scheduled to be published in November 2014. Although the FAA has met the congressional mandate in the 2012 Act to issue a Comprehensive Plan and Roadmap to safely accelerate integration of civil UAS into the NAS, that plan does not contain details on how it is to be implemented, and it is therefore uncertain how UASs will be safely integrated and what resources this integration will require.

