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Infratechnologies (contraction of infrastructure and technologies) are

technical tools, including scientific and engineering data, measurement and test methods, and practices and techniques that are widely used in industry.[1]
are a varied set of "technical tools" that enable the development and efficient use of technology at all stages of economic activity. Examples include measurement and test methods, and scientific and engineering databases that underlie the development and implementation of industry standards.[2]


In the cybersecurity arena, the five broad categories of infratechnologies are (1) measurement and test methods, (2) standards, (3) protocols, (4) best practice documents, and (5) information-sharing systems.[3]


  1. The Economic Impacts of Inadequate Infrastructure for Software Testing (Final Report), at 1-10 (May 2002) (full-text).
  2. Economic Analysis of an Inadequate Cyber Security Technical Infrastructure, at 2-5.
  3. Id. at 2-6.