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Information Sharing Environment, Guidelines to Ensure that the Information Privacy and Other Legal Rights of Americans are Protected in the Development and Use of the Information Sharing Environment (Dec. 4, 2006) (full-text).


The Guidelines implement the requirements under the IRTPA and Executive Order 13388 to protect information privacy rights and provide other legal protections relating to civil liberties and the legal rights of Americans in the development and use of the ISE.

The Guidelines establish a protection framework for privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties. The Guidelines apply to federal departments and agencies and, therefore, do not directly impose obligations on state and local government entities. However, the Guidelines do require federal agencies and the Program Manager for the ISE to work with non-federal entities, such as fusion centers, seeking to access protected information to ensure that the entities develop and implement appropriate policies and procedures that are at least as comprehensive as those contained in the ISE Privacy Guidelines.

Federal and non-federal agencies implement these Guidelines by:
