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The IMPACT Global Response Centre (GRC) is designed to be the foremost cyber threats resource centre in the world. Working with leading partners from academia, governments and industry, the GRC provides the global community with a near real-time aggregated early warning system. The GRC's "Network Early Warning System" (NEWS) helps partner countries identify cyber threats on the onset and provides critical guidance on what measures to take.

The GRC is equipped with a crisis room, state-of-the-art IT and communications equipment, a fully-functional always-on Security Operations Centre, fully-protected secure data centre, facilities for shift workers, on-site broadcasting centre, VIP viewing gallery etc. The GRC plays a pivotal role in realising the ITU GCA's objectives of putting technical measures in place to combat new and evolving cyber threats.

The GRC provides the ITU's Member States with access to specialised tools and systems, including NEWS and "Electronically Secure Collaborative Application Platform for Experts" (ESCAPE).
