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Office of Management and Budget, Federal Information Technology Shared Services Strategy (May 2, 2012) (full-text).


This document sets forth a strategy (also called the Shared-First strategy) to help federal agencies (1) improve return on investment across the agency's IT portfolio, (2) close productivity gaps by implementing integrated governance processes and innovative IT service solutions, and (3) increase communications with stakeholders to ensure transparency, accountability, and collaboration in the full life cycle of IT shared services. To facilitate these improvements, the strategy provides definitions, concepts, and critical success factors to be considered when implementing IT shared services; an implementation strategy; and a federal governance structure to support federal agencies' shared services development and implementation efforts.

This strategy is part of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 25-Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal IT Management, which seeks to increase return on investment, eliminate waste and duplication, and improve the effectiveness of IT solutions.

The "Shared-First" approach will:

