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The Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNI) is a division within the National Science Foundation's Directorate of Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE).

CNS supports research and education activities that invent new computing and networking technologies and that explore new ways to make use of existing technologies. The Division seeks to develop a better understanding of the fundamental properties of computer and network systems and to create better abstractions and tools for designing, building, analyzing, and measuring future systems. The Division also supports the computing infrastructure that is required for experimental computer science, and it coordinates cross-divisional activities that foster the integration of research, education, and workforce development.

In addition to the current proposal solicitations pertaining to the CNS research and education, CNS also considers proposals focusing on education, workforce development, and other activities that are of general interest to CISE and that are not covered by other NSF solicitations. Awards may be given to provide seed funding to explore a novel educational idea, support a demonstration project, workshops or studies on topics of broad interest to CISE.
