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Collation is defined variously as:

[t]he process whereby information is assembled together and compared critically.[1]
the process of gathering or arranging information in proper sequence and comparing critically in order to verify and integrate.[2]
[t]he process whereby information is stored and cross-referenced so that it can be retrieved easily.[3]
[a] review of collected and evaluated information to determine its substantive applicability to a case or problem at issue and placement of useful information into a form or system that permits easy and rapid access and retrieval.[4]


"Computers receive data and collate like items in order to compare points of agreement or disagreement. Computers can often do a large amount of work in order to assemble data into a logical arrangement, but it takes an analyst to look at the information and draw conclusions about the data. It also requires an analyst to provide meaning to the data, turning it into information and knowledge. Collation is a function conducted by both humans and computers."[5]


  1. Law Enforcement Analytic Standards (Nov. 2004).
  2. TC 2-33.4, at 2-21.
  3. National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan, at 40.
  4. Criminal Intelligence Glossary of Terms, at 36.
  5. TC 2-33.4, at 2-21.