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The Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Coordination (CSCIC) was established in September 2002 to address New York State's cybersecurity readiness and critical infrastructure coordination. In focusing on the State’s cyber readiness and critical infrastructure coordination needs, CSCIC addresses issues from both a cyber and physical perspective. Being cognizant of the interdependencies between cyber and physical events is crucial. One of the initial tasks of this Workgroup was to prioritize a list of critical industry sectors to determine which would be the immediate focus of the Workgroup. The Workgroup identified thirteen critical sectors and we have prioritized those thirteen sectors to initially focus our efforts as follows: chemical, education and awareness, financial and economic, food, health, public safety, telecommunications, and utilities. Executives and state agency commissioners have been identified to serve as leads for the sectors. The sectors meet monthly via conference call to share information regarding the cybersecurity status of the sector.
